Free from obvious movements of the mind such as aversion for enemies, unpleasant feelings, or attraction toward pleasant things.


The mind is not something that can be looked at with the eyes or grasped with the hands. The mind has to look at itself. What we need to do is not to analyze this mental darkness discursively; rather we have to first let the mind rest in a state of complete naturalness or simplicity, just as it is, without falling into distraction. A state will be soon attained that is free from obvious movements of the mind such as aversion for enemies, unpleasant feelings, or attraction toward pleasant things. This state is also free from the opaque dullness that one experienced before. It is a state that is lucid, clear, and spacious, like the experience of looking into the vast sky.

**Commentaries on
Jamgön Mipham Rinpoche’s
‘The Lamp That Dispels Darkness’ – Collected Works, Vol III pg 677 – Shambhala

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